Compress and Archive Part 2

Welcome to part2 of Linux file compression and archiving. In this tutorial we will learn how to archive file.You can archive files and directories with the tool tar. This is very useful utility for *nix administrator to backup their files and easily move from one location to another.We will learn  these commands  in this tutorial tar –cf,tar –tf,tar –xf,tar –cjf,tar –tjf,tar –xjf,tar –zcf,tar –ztf,tar –zxf.


tar stand for tape archive. This utility is use for collecting all files or directories in one file. This is good way to create backups/archives.

To  create a tar file we  use command tar.

Syntax tar –cf filename.tar file1 file2 dir1 dir2.

You can tar multiple files and directories at the same time.
-c option is used  to create a new archive file

-f option is used to specify filename

-v option is for showing the progress/details of files being archived.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Documents  Music           Public     test2file
Downloads     news       Templates       upload.txt newstring.file
Desktop       Faraz      Pictures        test1      Videos

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -cf newtarfile.tar newstring.file test1 upload.txt
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Documents  Music           Pictures   test1       Videos
Downloads     Public     test2file       newstring.file
Desktop       Faraz      newtarfile.tar  Templates  upload.txt
[fahmed@faraz ~]$
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -vcf newtarfile1.tar newstring.file test1 upload.txt Faraz
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

To list the contents of tar file we use command tar –tf filename.tar.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -tf newtarfile1.tar

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -vtf newtarfile1.tar
-rw-rw-r-- fahmed/fahmed    76 2016-02-08 10:56 newstring.file
-rw-r--r-- fahmed/fahmed 15470 2016-01-28 16:14 test1
-rw-rw-r-- fahmed/fahmed   217 2016-02-08 10:55 upload.txt
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2016-01-21 15:26 Faraz/
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

If we want to extract the contents of tar file we use –x option.

Syntax tar –xf filename.tar

First I am going to delete files which we have archived into tar (newtarfile.tar)

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ rm newstring.file test1 test2file
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Documents  Music            Pictures   upload.txt  Downloads  Public           newtarfile.tar
Desktop       Faraz      Templates        Videos

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -xf newtarfile.tar
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Documents       Music            newtarfile.tar  Templates
Downloads     newstring.file  Pictures         test1           Videos
Desktop       Faraz           Public           upload.txt
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

The tar does not compress the file, to create the tar and bzip2 compressed file we sue –j option.

Syntax tar –cjf tarbzfile.tbz file1 file2.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -cjf tarbzfile.tbz newtarfile.tar test1
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Downloads       tarbzfile.tbz    newtarfile.tar
Faraz         Templates       Videos           upload.txt
Desktop       Music           Pictures         test1
Documents     newstring.file  Public           
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

To view contents of the tar bizp file  we use  –tjf options.

Syntax tar –tjf filename.tbz

The file format/extension is .tbz or .tar.bz2.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -tjf tarbzfile.tbz
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

You can expand or unarchive the bzip tar file by using -xjf options.

Syntax tar –xjf filename.tbz.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ rm newtarfile.tar test1
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Documents        Music            Pictures       Templates
Downloads     newstring.file   Public           upload.txt     Videos
Desktop       Faraz            tarbzfile.tbz

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -vxjf tarbzfile.tbz
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Downloads          tarbzfile.tbz  upload.txt
Faraz         newtarfile.tar     Templates      Videos
Desktop       Music              Pictures       test1
Documents     newstring.file     Public           
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

To create a tar with gzip compressed file use  –z option.

Syntax tar –zcf filename.tgz file1 file2.

The file format/extension will be in .tgz or .tar.gz.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -zcf targzip.tgz upload.txt test1 123
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Downloads       upload.txt      Templates
Faraz         targzip.tgz     Videos          test1
Desktop       Music           Pictures
Documents     newstring.file  Public
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

To list conetnts of  tar gzip file use –tzf option.

Syntax tar –ztf filename.tgz.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -ztf targzip.tgz
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

To unarchive tar gzip file use  –zxf options.

Syntax tar –zxf filename.tgz.

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ rm upload.txt 123 test1
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
Downloads     newstring.file   Pictures       targzip.tgz  Videos
Desktop       Faraz            Public         Templates
Documents     Music

[fahmed@faraz ~]$ tar -vzxf targzip.tgz
[fahmed@faraz ~]$ ls
123           Downloads       upload.txt    Templates
Faraz         targzip.tgz     Pictures      Videos
Desktop       Music           Documents     newstring.file
Public        test1
[fahmed@faraz ~]$

This brings end to our part 2 tutorial. In this tutorial you have learnt archiving and unarchiving of file with gzip and bzip2 compress techniques.We learnt  commands like tar –cf,tar –tf,tar –xf,tar –cjf,tar –tjf,tar –xjf,tar –zcf,tar –ztf,tar –zxf. Now I hope you can confidently compress/decompress and archive and extract can subscribe free to get latest updates regarding our new tutorial. Feel free to subscribe 


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